MEDINA brand voice and positioning

The sophisticated European swimwear brand MEDINA had a strong product and compelling story but needed help articulating it. I led the brand’s journey to find its voice.

What I did:

  • Identity framework
  • Brand voice
  • Content strategy
  • Copywriting

Identifying the brand DNA

I started the process by conducting lengthy interviews with the founder. Learning about her impressive industry experience as well as personal story helped me establish the brand’s core values and build an identity framework.

Telling the story

The framework provided the building blocks for the storytelling, which spun the brand’s three key themes, sustainability, quality, and style, into a narrative that expressed these messages without being obvious and descriptive. Focusing on the advanced design ideas and skillful making process allowed the product’s sophistication and originality to shine through.

The brand’s strong commitment to sustainability was conveyed by highlighting salient details of the material and manufacturing process.

Choosing the words wisely

The tone of voice needed to reflect the precision and elegance of the swimsuits. That meant crafting a language that articulated the value propositions with specificity and substance. Instead of selling the brand with adjectives and promises, I justified its reasons to exist by showing the why and how behind the making.