SXM Media website

I was hired by the enduringly excellent digital design studio Area 17 to collaborate on their rebranding for SXM Media. The project was a top-to-bottom renovation of the company’s web presence, encompassing creating a content strategy built on a new messaging and positioning framework. I wasn’t part of the full 9-month ride, but I helped articulate the brand voice, refine the messaging, and create high-level website copy that drew directly from the new brand architecture.

What I did:

  • Brand voice guide
  • Messaging edits
  • Content strategy
  • Website copy

Multi-tasking messaging

A lot of thought, research, and analysis went into defining the company’s messaging. The resulting framework had several purposes. It created a shorthand for the SXM Media team to use when pitching customers, it helped the team internalize the company’s values, and it was funneled into headlines and high-level blurbs for the most attention-grabbing sections of the website.

Self-knowledge is power

Knowing who you are and knowing how to help others understand you is the foundation of any successful communication. Part of the content strategy for SXM Media was to identify a language that channeled the company’s differentiating factors and that could be easily applied across all platforms.